Lirik We Will Not Go Down, Lagu Keprihatinan Michael Heart Terhadap Konflik Palestina Israel 

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Lirik We Will Not Go Down, Lagu Keprihatinan Michael Heart Terhadap Konflik Palestina Israel

JAKARTA, - Simak makna dalam lirik Lagu dan makna We Will Not Go Down yang dipopulerkan oleh Michael Heart. Lagu ini kembali kembali tren di media sosial akhir-akhir ini. 

Lagu ini bentuk keprihatinan dari Michael Heart terhadap konflik Palestina dan Israel. karena keprihatinan itulah Michael Heart menciptakan lagu We Will Not Go Down  pada 2009.

Makna Lagu We Will Not Go Down

Menurut berbagai sumber, Rabu (18/10/2023) lagu We Will Not Go Down menggambarkan penderiitaan warga Palestina terhadap serangang yang dilakukan Israel selama beberapa dekade terakhir.  

Meski menghadapi tantangan yang begitu pelik, lagu We Will Not Go Down memberikan pesan kepada warga Palestina untuk selalu bertahan dan terus berjuang.  

Lirik Lagu We Will Not Go Down 

A blinding flash of white light 
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight 
People running for cover 
Not knowing whether 
they are dead or alive They came 

with their tanks and their planes With ravaging fiery flames 
And nothing remains 
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze 
We will not go down 
In the night, without a fight 
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools 
But our spirit will never die We will not go down 
In Gaza tonight 
Women and children alike 
Murdered and massacred night after night 
While the so-called leaders of countries afar 
Debated on who 's wrong or right 
But their powerless words were in vain And the bombs fell down like acid rain But through the tears and the blood and the pain 
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze 
We will not go down 
In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die 
We will not go down 
In Gaza tonight 
We will not go down In the night, without a fight You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools But our spirit will never die 
We will not go down In the night, without a fight We will not go down 
In Gaza tonight 

Editor : Ditya Arnanta

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